We Are Fully Vaccinated!

We are glad to announce that all of us in Nimac Power have been fully vaccinated.
As a company specialising in industrial backup / standby power industry, we practise what we preach by backing up our immunity.
(No pun intended)
But as a precautionary measures, we are still taking the saliva test on our own initiative every fortnight & as and when required.
Taking care of ourselves as well as taking care of others.
FInd out more about us : https://link.nimac.com.my/home
As a company specialising in industrial backup / standby power industry, we practise what we preach by backing up our immunity.
(No pun intended)
But as a precautionary measures, we are still taking the saliva test on our own initiative every fortnight & as and when required.
Taking care of ourselves as well as taking care of others.
p/s: photo taken back in December 2020 when Malaysia was not placed to full lockdown again.
How we wishes life can be back to normal.
Take care everyone and stay safe~
FInd out more about us : https://link.nimac.com.my/home
Oct 15,2021